It’s not really a small world after all. How is COP15 like Disneyland?
What can one person do? Site creator Carolyn Chase looks at what gets her invoived like no fish in the sea.
Here are some photos of the exhibit area at COP15 ... a lot like EarthWorks' EarthFair!
The first VIDEO JOURNAL posting from COP15 participants have been posted... check them out!
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COP15 Message Mash
The entire city of Copenhagen seems to be part of the event, not just the Bella Center. These are some photos taken coming into and around Copenhagen, as well as at the conference center itself.
Exhibit Area Photos
The event is held at the Bella Center, a huge 660,000 square-foot conference center close to downtown Copenhagen. These photos were taken in the two large rooms at the center are dedicated to exhibits. Really, this is an environmental fair, focusing on issues affecting climate change... which turns out to be just about everything.
Rally Photos (Dec 12)
Despite the news reports, these photos show the happy, peaceful scene as thousands rallied to demand substantive action from the COP15 process. There were lots of sign, banners, posters... and individuals dressed up as polar bears. It was clear and VERY cold, which perhaps led to more dancing than is usual.